Alison, my acupuncturist, recommended that I have a bioresonance scan to detect where my imbalances are in my body, so off I went to see Susie Cornell yesterday. Now I'm usually pretty cynical about this sort of thing however under the circumstances, I'm up for trying anything that may help me or work out what's happened and why.
After taking the usual medical history, I discovered I was already being scanned as I was filling in the paperwork. I then put two wristbands on that were attached to the E-Lybra bioresonance machine and something that looked like a small version of a disco lights rope round my neck which was also attached to the machine. On closer inspection the "rope" seemed to have small coloured stones in it. Hmmmm.
As I sat there and Susie was getting feedback that she was interpreting for me, a curious thing happened: she seemed to detect a lot of psychological and physical symptoms that I've had even as specific as my feet (arch) problems and recent styes in both eyes. Now really, she could be doing a Derren Brown on me but I'm happy to be Derren'd if it works just as a placebo so long as something works! What was even more uncanny was that my very recent food choices seemed to show up on the machine too, from my daily porridge (too much my body says) right down to the extra portions of lamb I've had last week as lamb is good for kidney Yin (it's now banned from my new diet - nooo!)
The E-lybra was apparently detoxing me and I've got a pendant to wear or have near me with my program on it that will work for up to 3 months. It's not a biggie to have a pendant near me so it can't hurt, I thought with an open mind. But the part that I was most interested in is what my body was saying about nutrition and adding more to the story of what's happened to me.
It seems now that my body was doing a good but hard job fighting off candida growth until Mum died, when the emotional shock hit my immune system which led to candida overgrowth. This then in turn affected my ovaries shutting them down. It is very true to say that candida has been implicated as an auto-immune cause of POF so my interest was piqued by this diagnosis. A personalised anti-candida change in diet along with some Ecobalance supplements to fight off the candida is the plan for the next 3 months. I don't digest sugar, wheat and gluten easily so I have fairly obvious foods to totally avoid within my list of individual worst offenders. If I fall off the wagon occasionally or just cut down rather than eliminate the food that's apparently ok too thank goodness!
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