Monday, 7 March 2011

Error 4.04am: Sleep Not Found

This morning I woke up at 4.04am as I've realised I do every morning, always between 4 and 5am. I had had problems getting to sleep a few months ago while still on Yasmin however, it's now waking up in the night that plagues me most. I've almost forgotten what it's like to get a full night's sleep now. Still, I do remind myself that's only the same as the average new Mum I guess, and they have a child to deal with, at least I don't have that too!

The insomnia is ongoing with the night flushes now added in since I'm pill free, I tried a fan last night and froze until I turned it off when I was then too hot - can't win! And then just as I thought I'm getting dozy enough to get some decent sleep, suddenly it's 6.30am and I need to be up and about to go to work. I go to bed at or around 10pm generally, only have one cup of coffee with caffeine in the mornings and don't drink much at all anymore apart from special occasions.

I've tried milky hot chocolate, valerian and hops herbal sleep aids, exercising in the early evenings to tire me out, reading, but none seem to do it for me. Well, I can get off to sleep better now but I can't sleep for the whole night.

And then I just feel so groggy and lethargic during the day at times (afternoon meetings - nooo!!) which doesn't help me cutting down the coffee to one a day - my quest for a good night's sleep continues...

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